Authority of Scripture

The Bible is the authoritative, inspired Word of God, without error and sufficient to provide all we need to be right with Him.  It is the source of all truth and therefore is central to all we do and all we are about.

Centrality of the Gospel

The Gospel is the power of God for salvation and the only answer to mankind's greatest problem; sin, which leads to eternal separation from God. The Gospel both saves and grows those who receive it through faith in Jesus Christ.

Driven by Discipleship

As followers of Christ, we are called to walk in discipleship and to make disciples. We seek to grow in obedience to His Word, even as we assist others to do the same.


The leadership of the Navy Fellowship of Christian Athletes ministers to the coaches and athletes of the United States Naval Academy by providing various forms of spiritual development tailored to the schedules and pressures that the athletic and military world places on them.  Each week all midshipman athletes are invited to attend the multi-sport huddle where we seek to apply biblical truths to all aspects of life, including athletics.

Primary forms of ministry over the past few years:

‣ Weekly Multi-sport huddle featuring biblical teaching, worship and small group     discussions.

‣ Weekly discipleship with individual athletes and coaches.

‣ Coaches' Bible studies twice a month.

‣ Weekly team Bible studies.

‣ Involvement in the local church.

‣ In-Season pre-game chapels.

Staff & Board

Brian Fish

Campus Director

United States Naval Academy

Anthony Devuono

Board Development Chair

Amy Laque

Administrative Assistant

Matt White

Board Member

Paul Shirley

Board Member

George Lawson

Board Member


Jodi Fish


Alayna Patterson


Max Myers


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