The leadership of the Navy Fellowship of Christian Athletes ministers to the coaches and athletes of the United States Naval Academy by providing various forms of spiritual development tailored to the schedules and pressures that the athletic and military world places on them.

Primary forms of ministry over the past 5 years:

‣ Weekly Multi-sport huddle featuring biblical teaching, worship and small group discussions. Each week we’ll have between 40-70 midshipmen attend the huddle, while ministering to 200-300 hundred coaches and athletes throughout the year.

‣ Weekly discipleship with individual athletes and coaches.

‣ Coaches' Bible studies twice a month.

‣ Weekly team Bible studies.

‣ Involvement in the local church.

‣ In-Season pre-game chapels.

‣ Coaches' Time-Outs designed to encourage and build the coach.

‣ Various professional athletes and coaches who are able to specifically relate their faith journey and athletic pursuits at the highest level.

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