Akerson Directions
Please plan to arrive no later than 8 a.m., which will enable us to keep our schedule. Doors will open at 7:45 a.m.
Please consider entry and parking time when planning your morning. It may take and additional 10 minutes to enter Akerson from the time you arrive at gate 5.
Click here for directions to the stadium. Please arrive at Gate 5. After paying at the gate, please proceed all the way around the back of the stadium to the opposite side and park. This will allow for a shorter walk into the stadium where you will be directed to an elevator is available to take you to Akerson Tower.
Please refer to the color coded diagram for clarity. (Note that as you travel around the stadium, there will be a gate that is motion activated. This may or may not be up but please proceed through that gate.)
FCA at the United States Naval Academy is not part of the Department of Defense or any of its components, and it has no governmental status.